Portfolio and knowledge specification

Here we present the work we have done and the details of the technologies and systems we deal with

We divided the portfolio into several parts, choose what interests you

Portfolio Videos

You are welcome to watch those videos of my works. In that way you can easily understand how do my projects are working.

Portfolio Intro

Some words about my Portofolio videos

Portfolio Intro Video – Part 1

A client side web application

Portfolio Intro Video – Part 2

From scratch Web Application


Programs Portfolio

Here we present some of the programs we did – choose between the tabs

...Initial version of GORAL-WEB – Lottery and Randoms  Generator Program

"Goral" ( = Destiny or Lottery in Hebrew )  is a lottery software with advanced options. It can be used to change the list of numbers from which numbers are drawn and to select a certain number of numbers to be drawn.

Click Here to go to the WebApp Goral.

For further details about using the app see the video "Portfolio Intro 2" .


Persons Details – Simple WebApp for example

Click here for the software page

Software for registering contact information – This is a sample WEB system that displays a list of contacts that can be created, deleted, updated. You will be impressed by the form of software that can be used to save and record information, even on the Internet.

The system performs all operations on the server side by calling from the client side.

Pay Attention:
 – The App isn't responsive. Doesn't work well on the mobile view.
 – Not much has been invested in the design because it's purpose is only to present the software work, rather than beyond.

Goral – Advanced Lottery )Software (CMD

To download the software click here

Goral" ( = Destiny or Lottery in Hebrew )  is a lottery software with advanced options. It can be used to change the list of numbers from which numbers are drawn and to select a certain number of numbers to be drawn.

This is the initial version – in CMD, there is also a web version, see link above

Pay Attention:

For Running the program you need to:

1- download , 2 – Open the file 3 – Follow the instructions for Doing Lottery. 
* Maybe you will be asked to install Java. There's no need to worry about it. This is the most common platform (Without taking responsibility).

We will be happy to hear from you any additional problem with installing the software. Contact us.

Technologies Details

Technological knowledge

Here I wrote down the details of my technological knowledge, and the subjects I know about. Below is a link to view and download the resume.

Primary Knowledge

Programming – Languages

Java Programming – Core/Web/Swing/Android.

Web Development:
Server-side: J2EE (java) With Tomcat.
Technologies: ReST, SPA, AJAX, JSON.
Client-side: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, JQuery, Google – Maps, Bootstrap.

mysql, SQL.

Maintenance And Deployment

Servers, Databases, WEB
APPS Hosting, cPanel , Linux, myPHP Admin, FTP, Digital Ocean Cloud.

Website Design:
WordPress, Bootstrap, Websites Hosting.

Secondary Knowledge:

Secondary Knowledge:
C#, PHP, React, SEO.


Download CV from Dropbox

How can we help ?

    We will be happy to sit with you for a free consultation meeting without obligation, So you get guidance on what you need. 
    Please leave details for appointment.
    We will try to answer all your inquiries within 24 hours of a business day.

    Amal Street 46, Petah Tikva, Israel
    PO Box 3141

    E: yimprogramming@gmail.com
    P: 054-7477637